Product Reviews, Reviews

Unif T’s Barley Black Tea

Been extremely busy lately, so no time for comprehensive food reviews. So the next best thing for a food junkies like me? Review of a drink that I have discovered recently!

Was introduced to this drink by my colleague Rachel. Kinda skeptical when I first saw it, blackish and somehow barley and black tea mixed together were slightly difficult to picture. Though I got to say the design and packaging of the drink is stylish and elegant.

Developed by Uni-President, a Thai subsidiary of a Taiwanese health drinks giant, this is their answer to the global declining sales of green tea. I still remember when the green tea frenzy began few years back, you can find almost all products with green tea in it. Now its all about other tea, yes still tea, but Oolong tea, black tea, chrysanthemum tea, bla bla tea.

One fine afternoon, me and Rachel went to the 7-Eleven store opposite our office for our tea-time ritual. After some not-so-convincing convincing from Rachel, I decided to take the plunge.

I took a cautious first sip, and to be honest, I was less than impressed. The “malty” taste of the barley grains and the slightly bitterish black tea was a bit overwhelming at first. But after few more sips, my tastebud kind of adjusted to it and I found myself taking big gulps of it.

This barley black tea is one of those drinks that leave you with a great aftertaste, and keep you wanting for more. Extremely enjoyable especially during hot and sunny days. Oh and the manufacturer claimed that this herbal-ish drink is packed with vitamins and other nutritions too, of course.   I have to say, not everybody would like this. But I can tell you I am hooked ever since that fateful second sip!

Try it now, it is selling at RM2.40 at 7-Eleven, and also at other convenience stores and supermarkets. I believe this drink was introduced months ago in Singapore as well.
